Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Drug of Choice.

Choice gifted it to me.
It grabbed a hold of me, kissed me softly, pulling me in; I couldn’t resist, so I kissed back.
It’s affordable, and if I can’t afford affordable, it’s free, all I have to do is open my eyes; and let them dance around.

I could get lost in a different world, a world that can be anything the writer wants or wanted it to be.
The pleasure can hang as long as I want; I never have to go look for a dealer because there’re everywhere and mostly legal. (bootleg)

Sometimes a movie can hit me so hard it’ll make me cry; but I only choose to watch those once in a while. Comedy to me is like chocolate to a chocoholic, I can’t get enough of it.
Music, music, music, It comes in all flavors, moods, and languages; and like Bob Marley says, “When it hits, you feel no pain”; minus heavy metal.  If only I could sing; but all I can do is listen and lust, until the day comes when someone teaches me how to rid my larynx of rust.

A prison I’d gladly book myself into
A lover I’d never quit
A habit I’d never kick
Without it my withdrawal symptoms would be traumatic
Without it I would die…inside
Its body of work is a goddess and I’m its loyal stead.

When I’m in need of sweet escape,
Art is my drug of choice.

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